How can I manage stress and improve my wellbeing?

Through research and practice, we have identified five pillars that thriving educators share. 


You can increase your awareness through: 

  • Journaling 
  • Meditation 
  • Gratitude practices
  • Noticing and naming emotions 
  • Pausing to reflect during the work day
  • Identifying your core values 


You can practice compassion by: 

  • Noticing your self-talk habits
  • Celebrating your progress
  • Engaging in self-care
  • Cultivating empathy towards yourself and others


You can utilize your agency by: 

  • Identifying and communicating your boundaries
  • Managing up across your team 
  • Preparing for difficult conversations
  • Setting learning objectives 


You can build and deepen connection by: 

  • Practicing vulnerability
  • Learning to communicate through conflict or emotions
  • Reaching out to new friends or colleagues


You can deepen your sense of purpose by: 

  • Identifying your “why”
  • Setting a personal vision
  • Seeking inspiration and advice from colleagues
  • Attending PD aligned to your passions and interests