How do I know my schedule? What if Canvas and Sonis are mismatching?

Are you noticing different times or sections?


Sonis (not Canvas) is your single source of truth for your semester schedule – weekdays, times, frequency, and professors’ names. To check your schedule:

  1. Go to
    There are multiple schools with Sonis, so make sure the link shows “Reach.”

  2. Log in with your Username + PIN
    Your username is the FIRST TWO LETTERS of your last name, plus some numbers. Your username and pin was sent to you before the start of the semester. Reach out to your Undergraduate advisor - - or Graduate advisor - -if you do not have your username or pin.

  3. Then click “Academics” → “Schedule”
    Make sure you select the correct "School Year" and "Semester"
    Otherwise, you will see a blank screen
    Click “Submit” to see your schedule

    If both your Canvas and Sonis classes are matching!!
    *Note: Canvas courses may not show until days before classes begin.  We recommend checking one week before classes begin. 
    1. We recommend checking one week before classes begin. 
    • Are the section letters the same?
    • Are the weekdays and/or times the same for each course?

    There are registration errors from time to time (see the images below), so candidates have missed classes! If this happens to you, we have a quick solution. Please reach out to your advisor. Sonis: How do I know who is my advisor?

    😕 Example of a mismatch:



    DEP 201B - Section H - Says Tuesday

    DEP 201B - Section H - Says Thursday

    🙂 Example of a match – what you want to see:

    Course Section Shows Group E

    Section Says Group E (Match!)

    Please note: Sonis will default to Central Time Zone (CST).  Canvas may default to Pacific Time Zone.   You cannot change Sonis, but you CAN update Canvas to match YOUR time zone.

    Once you’re in Canvas, reset your time zones in two places as shown below.

    Changing Time Zones (Video)
    Changing Time Zones (Zoom Video)
    Full directions with screengrabs listed here!