Intern Program: Early Completion Option (ECO)
The Early Completion Option (ECO) is intended to provide individuals who have requisite skills and knowledge an opportunity to challenge the coursework portion of a Multiple Subject (MS) or Single Subject (SS) Intern Credentialing Program.
CTC Website on the Early Completion Option (ECO)
What is ECO?
Discover the benefits and costs of enrolling in ECO; check out the loom below!
ECO is an accelerated 1-year program designed for experienced educators who already possess the knowledge and skills of a proficient beginning teacher, as defined by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC). ECO candidates take the summer preservice course before the fall start of their program. Throughout the fall and spring, they engage in coaching and onsite mentorship and can participate in a CalTPA support course. ECO candidates are exempt from additional regular intern program coursework. The ECO Program is a high-stakes credential program; ECO candidates must pass both cycles of the state performance assessment, the CalTPA, on the first try.
Candidates who do not pass the CalTPA on the first try will no longer be eligible for the ECO pathway and will be subject to the full credentialing requirements (e.g. enrolling in the 2 year Intern Program pathway). ECO candidates who fail to pass both CalTPA cycles are withdrawn from the ECO program, but are invited to re-enroll the next Fall semester for the full two-year program.