Regularly check with your state for updated cut scores!
The following chart shows the minimum scores needed to pass the Elementary Praxis II with the corresponding ETS testing code by state.
Please note that these codes and cut scores may change. It is always best practice to visit the ETS website to locate your state required tests here.
Alabama, Arkansas, and Colorado
STATE | ELA | ETS test number | MATH | ETS test number | Social Studies |
ETS test number | SCIENCE | ETS test number |
AL |
N/A |
N/A |
157 |
5903 |
154 |
5904 |
158 |
5905 |
AR |
141 |
5002 |
136 |
5003 |
137 |
5004 |
139 |
5005 |
CO |
N/A |
N/A |
157 |
5903 |
155 |
5904 |
159 |
5905 |
Louisiana Passing Score & Testing Codes
5000 Series
STATE | ELA | ETS test number | MATH | ETS test number | SS | ETS test number | SCIENCE | ETS test number |
LA |
157 |
5002 |
157 |
5003 |
155 |
5004 |
159 |
5005 |
7000 Series
STATE | ELA | ETS test number | MATH | ETS test number | SS | ETS test number | SCIENCE | ETS test number |
LA |
138 |
7002 |
157 |
7003 |
155 |
7004 |
159 |
7005 |