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Reach 210 Preservice Frequently Asked Questions

Find your answers below!


I am stuck, who do I reach out to? 

  • For billing and payment questions:
  • For credentialing questions, advising support, and general questions:
  • For coursework-related questions contact your professor directly

When will I be recommended for my Intern Credential? 

To be recommended for your Intern Credential, you must complete all of the following: 

  • Submit all application requirements 
  • Complete the Subject Matter Competency Requirement (SMCR)
  • Pass Reach 210

Once all of these are completed, Candidate Services will submit your recommendation to the CTC and reach out to you about next steps.

How much time will it take me to complete Reach 210? 

The course takes about 135 hours to complete. We recommend that you start early and use the resources provided in the course syllabus to support you. 

Why do I need to take Reach 210? 

Reach 210 is designed to support beginning teachers to learn the knowledge and skills foundational to the profession. In addition, completing a foundational pre-service course is a CTC requirement to obtain your Intern Credential. This course is designed to help you meet that requirement and establish a foundation for teaching. The preservice course, Reach 210, is also the first course in the Master of Arts in Teaching degree program, and it is a requirement for any candidate who aspires to attain the M.A.T degree. 

*Reminder: Preservice completion + SMCR completion = Intern Credential recommendation

What should I expect while completing this course? 

Reach 210 is an asynchronous self-paced course structured into 13 modules. Each module is divided into sessions, each taking approximately three to four hours to finish, totaling ~135 hours of work overall. There are assigned readings and learning activities in each module. These activities are designed to support your understanding of the material and will be graded against a rubric scale of 1-4.

Please carefully read and review the course syllabus for more insight on what to expect.

When will my coursework be graded? 

Faculty strive to grade coursework within two weeks after coursework has been turned in. Please kindly note that there are times when grading is delayed due to unforeseen circumstances. If you have questions about grading, please contact your course professor directly. 

I still need to complete my Subject Matter Competency Requirement, how can I complete this? 

Competence may be demonstrated in the following ways:

To complete the SMCR via:

You must:

CSET Exams…

Achieve a passing score on the appropriate subject-matter examination(s). For specialized subjects: take and pass the appropriate subject matter examinations or obtain verification of completion of subject-matter coursework from the CTC. 

Use test code 790 in your CSET registration to send your results directly to the Reach Institute for School Leadership

Subject-Matter Program…

Complete a CTC-approved subject-matter program or its equivalent.

Submit a letter from the CTC-approved program verifying completion to Reach at


Successfully complete applicable coursework verified by a CTC-approved, regionally accredited professional preparation program. 

Submit a Subject Matter Competency Form to Reach at

Degree Major…

Complete a degree major from a regionally-accredited college or university in one of the statutory subjects available for a Single Subject Teaching Credential as listed above. Degree major must be in the subject area being sought. 

Submit a Subject Matter Competency Form to Reach at

Combination of Coursework and Exams…

Successfully complete a combination of coursework and examination options that meet or exceed the domains of the subject matter requirements adopted by the Commission in the content area of the Single Subject Credential. Such mixing of options may only be done by candidates enrolled in a Commission-approved preparation program. 

Submit a Subject Matter Competency Form to Reach at

What happens if I don’t finish preservice? 

Successfully completing Preservice is a requirement to be recommended for your Intern Credential AND to continue in the Reach program. If you do not complete the course, you will need to withdraw from Reach and reenroll the following semester.  You must also connect with the HR / Credential Analyst at your district or school site to obtain a permit to remain the Teacher of Record in your classroom.  

What happens If I pass preservice, but have NOT completed SMCR? Can I continue in the program? 

If you are in the two-year intern/MAT program, then yes, you can continue into the next semester; the SMCR is not an admissions requirement. If you have not completed the SMCR at the time of enrollment, you will be provisionally admitted to the program. Provisionally enrolled candidates must complete the Subject Matter Competency requirement by the end of the first year of the program

*Please note that provisionally enrolled candidates are ineligible for an Intern Credential. In addition, provisional enrollment is not available to Early Completion Option (ECO) candidates. 

If you are provisionally enrolling at Reach, you must connect with the HR/ Credential Analyst at your district or school site to obtain a permit to remain the Teacher of Record in your classroom, as provisionally enrolled candidates do not have Intern Credentials. 

How do I withdraw from the program? 

Please email for further assistance.