Undergraduate transfer credit policy
Reach University accepts transfer credits from accredited institutions in the United States. Credits must be tied to non-remedial courses (course ids or titles that are greater than 100) and passed with a grade of C- or higher. Only official transcripts will be used to analyze transfer credits. Candidates who do not submit official transcripts in a timely manner will be defaulted to the standard 4-year track. Digital official transcripts preferred to apply@reach.edu.
The one exception to this policy applies to candidates with associate degrees. Specifically, candidates who hold associate degrees are eligible for both Bachelor of Arts in Global Education and Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies 2-Years (2-year track). Please note that the associate degree must be conferred from a regionally accredited college or university in the United States; trade school courses and degrees are non-transferable. The associate degree information, including the date of the degree conferral, must be listed on the candidate’s official transcript. All documentation to verify a candidate’s degree information must be submitted by the stated deadline. Candidates who fail to submit official transcripts in a timely manner will be defaulted to the standard track, BLS 4-Years.
The transfer policy for undergraduate candidates at Reach is designed to honor incoming candidates’ previously-earned course credits from accredited institutions while maintaining the standards of the job-embedded BA in Liberal Studies degree. Candidates may transfer 30 credits from an accredited institution to be admitted to the undergraduate programs at Reach University. To apply 30 transfer units, candidates must have completed the following courses or their equivalent from an accredited institution:
Applicants may request a review of previous coursework for equivalencies or transfer credit by submitting a Transfer Request Form, official transcripts, and course syllabi (or official course catalog descriptions at a minimum) to Candidate Services. The request will be reviewed by the Dean of Undergraduate Studies and must be approved (or not) prior to the candidate’s start in the program.
Please note that our Registrar Team does not offer a customized degree program with one-to-one transfers (i.e., transfer candidates must complete all courses listed on their designated degree program). This is because our program is designed to help candidates pass teacher competency exams such as Praxis II or CSET.
Credit for Prior Learning Policy
Credit for Prior Learning, as defined by WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC), is a practice used by institutions, typically at or near the time of a student’s enrollment, to recognize or award credit for demonstrated college-level learning gained in settings outside of higher education.
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Prior learning assessment is one type of credit for prior learning practice: “the evaluation and assessment of an individual’s life learning for college credit, certification or advanced standing toward further education or training. Prior learning assessment is often applied to military and work experience, as well as community service, informal online learning, and other [college-level] learning acquired outside traditional academic institutions” (Council for Adult and Experiential Learning).
At Reach, the Credit for Prior Learning Policy specifically addresses past professional development, education, or training. The separate Reach Credit for Prior Work Experience Policy specifically addresses credit for work experience.
Reach University is pioneering a new era in higher education where a job leads to a degree instead of the other way around. Through job-embedded learning, Reach's unique undergraduate and graduate degree programs leverage candidates' workplaces as learning spaces, allowing employers to grow their own talent pipelines and working adults to earn a degree and/or a credential. Our approach towards the Credit for Prior Learning Policy reflects our approach to job-embedded degree and credential attainment.
Reach University will engage in a deliberate process with prospective candidates, partner schools, districts, CMOs, or other organizations to review the quality and content of transcripts and other documented forms of learning. Credit awarded through this process cannot exceed 25% of the credits required for a Reach University-conferred credential or degree.
Candidates who have engaged in learning that meets California Commission on Teaching Credential (CCTC) and degree requirements can apply that professional learning toward fulfilling some or all of the requirements for a designated course*.
*Please note that Reach credential and degree programs may have restrictions on which courses are eligible to receive credit for prior learning. These restrictions could be influenced by state authorization requirements or considerations related to sequential or foundational learning opportunities that adversely impact candidates’ learning trajectory. Academic program leads determine which courses or coursework are eligible for prior learning credit at their discretion. At the undergraduate level, credit for prior learning may not interfere with a candidate's ability to be enrolled as a full-time student unless explicit approval from the Dean and the Director of Financial Aid is granted.
Candidates seeking credit for prior learning must provide documentation or evidence demonstrating their knowledge and skills acquired through non-traditional educational experiences or prior work experience. Such documentation may include, but is not limited to, transcripts, standardized test scores, certificates, portfolios, LEA / CMO or other supervising education entity’s professional development modules and candidate work products (provided Reach has verified that the quality of the content and candidate learning meets the standard of college-level learning and academic quality).
Coursework, Standardized Test Scores: Coursework and standardized test scores will be considered for recognition of prior credit for learning if they demonstrate:
- Relevance and Alignment: The coursework or standardized test scores must demonstrate relevance and alignment with the learning outcomes of specific Reach courses or programs.
- Quality and Rigor: The coursework or standardized test scores must meet established standards of quality and rigor, ensuring that the learning experiences are comparable to those provided by Reach University.
- Verification of Authenticity: The coursework and standardized test scores must be verified as authentic and legitimate representations of the candidate’s prior learning experiences.
- Demonstration of Competency: The coursework or standardized test scores should demonstrate mastery of the subject matter or competencies relevant to the courses or programs for which credit is being sought.
Professional Development Learning: For professional development learning to be accepted in lieu of some or all of Reach’s coursework, partnering schools’ and LEA/CMOs’ professional development offerings must be evaluated for comparability and equivalence with the aligned learning outcomes, course objectives, and content.
Note: For California credential programs, comparability refers to the determination that a candidate has demonstrated the essence of the set of knowledge, skills, or abilities required by a particular Commission program standard, Teaching Performance Expectation, or Program Learning Outcome through another route.
In this context, equivalence refers to the determination that a given set of knowledge, skills, and abilities as reflected in standards have been met through coursework/fieldwork/or other prior learning experiences as determined by Reach University’s internal evaluation process.
The partner’s professional development is also evaluated against the CCTC’s program standards, the articulated Performance Expectations (as outlined by the CCTC) , and relevant Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs). The professional development must be found to meet these standards for quality and compliance in order for credit for prior learning to be granted.
Evaluation of prior learning will be conducted by qualified faculty or assessors designated by Reach University. The evaluation process will assess the alignment of the prior learning with the learning outcomes of specific courses or programs offered at Reach University. Evaluation methods may include portfolio assessments, examinations, interviews, crosswalks of submitting or demonstrations of competency.
Coursework and Transcripts: If Reach's assessment identifies comparability and equivalence between a candidate’s coursework and/or transcripts and Reach courses, a qualified faculty member, assessor, or program lead will communicate to the candidate and their employer (aka Reach Partner School) the specific elements of the coursework or transcript that meet the criteria for credit for prior learning.
When available or appropriate, Reach will create a modified course for the candidate that excludes coursework covered through the candidate’s documented coursework and/or transcript, with the expectation that candidates complete the remaining coursework requirements through the specified Reach course or set of assignments.
Professional Development: In the event that Reach’s evaluation finds comparability and equivalence between a partnering schools’ and LEA/CMOs’ professional development offerings and Reach course(s), a qualified faculty, assessor, or program lead will inform the candidate which specific aspects of the professional development, in whole or part, meet the threshold for prior learning credit.
When available or appropriate, Reach will create a modified course for the candidate that excludes coursework covered through the employer’s professional development, with the expectation that candidates complete the remaining coursework requirements through the specified Reach course or set of assignments.
Reach has a system for calculating the value of transfer credits earned through work experience. One credit hour is equivalent to 75 hours of verified experience, recommendation, or endorsement from an employer who is a partner with Reach. Candidates can accumulate work experience from multiple places of employment, up to a total of 9 credits, not limited to with exception approved by the Dean.