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What is the CSET? What resources are available for CSET Prep?

All credentialed teachers in California must have demonstrated Subject Matter Competence. This may be met through coursework or the California Subject Examinations for Teachers (CSET).

What is the CSET?

Click on the drop-down menu here and select your sought subject matter or credential (e.g., Math, Science, Multiple Subjects) to learn about the CSETs.

Please note, California-only:
If you hold a BA in Liberal Studies, this satisfies the Subject Matter Requirement for Multiple Subject credential candidates (i.e., no need to fill out coursework paperwork and/or take the CSET exam).

What resources are there to help me prep for the CSET?

  • FREE prep courses for many CSETs are listed here (also RICA)
  • Search online for highly rated prep books