What is the structure of the Intern/Master of Arts in Teaching program? What can I expect from my academic experience?

Engage, Reflect, and Grow: A Comprehensive Approach to Teacher Development

The Reach Intern Program is a distance learning program that incorporates significant synchronous engagement between candidates, instructors, and coaches, and amongst the candidates in a cohort model. Academic coursework takes place online: candidates engage in a weekly synchronous seminar on Zoom and complete regular asynchronous coursework that is curated in an online learning management system. For field supervision, which includes classroom observation and 12 one-on-one coaching, candidates record themselves teaching and then watch and reflect on their practice with their coach. Onsite mentorship takes place at the school site, so it is likely to be in-person.

What are assignments like?

Throughout the program, candidates regularly engage in cycles of inquiry for continuous growth. Coursework includes readings, videos, exemplar analyses, and short assignments that support processing and reflection equip candidates with new content and ideas to apply through the cycles of inquiry. Candidates’ teaching practice is assessed through Clinical Field Assignments (“CFAs”). CFAs require candidates to apply learnings from coursework to their teaching practice and to analyze and reflect on the impact. 

All clinical field assignments and coaching sessions are framed by inquiry questions, and by the time candidates complete their capstone project, they are able to identify problems of practice and craft an inquiry cycle. The inquiry cycle supports candidates to gain deeper insight into their problem of practice and to utilize research-based interventions. Learning experiences like these require candidates to exercise curiosity, a growth mindset, and analytic inquiry as they continually examine their practice and work to improve their teaching and their student learning outcomes. As part of their coursework, all candidates also complete both cycles of the CalTPA, the state performance assessment of teacher practice.